Shanzhai Sonata
Presense | Various
CC -08 | VFX | 2020
We produced three visual effects shots for the speculative short film ‘Shanzhai Sonata’ by Presense (Igor Sladoljev, Sveta Gorlatova, Gleb Papyshev, Artem Nikitin).
‘Shanzhai Sonata is a cinematic meditation on the post-work economy emerging in Shenzhen. The city is ready to become a testbed for the economy of digital twins - a system where production value is generated through data models of human behaviours.
Set in the imminent future, the film narrates one story occurring in parallel in Shenzhen, Amsterdam and Moscow as three separate narrative movements of a single sonata. What holds them together is the story’s protagonist investigating a data monetization phenomenon made possible through a new digital platform - Presense.’
- Text exerpt from Presense Trailer
We provided particle simulations, match-moving, projection mapping, relighting, 3D modelling, compositing and rendering services to create a drone swarm visualization of future data markets, as well as VFX shots of the Presense data centers under construction.
More details here:
VFX + Design
Nathan Su